People sometimes ask, What are Carl Perrin’s qualifications for high office? The answer is, all kinds of stuff. Like he has done some really impressive stuff in his lifetime. He has shown leadership from the time he was a senior patrol leader in his Boy Scout troop. He graduated as valedictorian of his six-member graduating class. His leadership skills are still in evidence today where he serves as president of the Computer Club at his retirement village.
He has military and administrative experience from his service during the Korean War as a personnel clerk. The army sent him to clerk-typist school at Fort Jackson, SC, where he was named the “Outstanding Graduate” of his class. You can see that this is a man who is always going to the head of the class.
Perrin did all kinds of important stuff, but one of his most important accomplishments is that he spent a half a century teaching English. If you want to know the answer to a grammar question, Perrin is the man to ask.
Carl Perrin is being too modest in his list of accomplishments. Here is the rest of the story:
He wrote a novel, "Heaven and Hell" when he was in his early teens. He was awarded the Eisenhower Medal for his work during WW II. He served in the army during the Korean Conflict. He inspired a whole generation of young men to fight for their country during the Vietnam War. Don't let him rest on his laurels, send him to Washington to continue to serve.
My deer prophester grAmatikis!!! i have a gramar questun!!??? Hear is the questin 5that i have about gremmer!!!!! Whitch is the rite way to use that"" or "which???!!!"
That is the ice cream which I luv!!
That is the ice cream that I love????!!
How cum????
Yers truely!!!
a mysterius readar!!!
O!!! and ignor that jack H name!! is not me at all!!!!!!
The answer to your question is: Hershey's Road Runner Raspberry. It has raspberry swirled through vanilla and little bits of chocolate. Yum.
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