Former book publisher Judith Regan sued New Corporation yesterday, She charged that the right-wing media giant , her former employer, encouraged her to lie to federal investigators. In 2004 Bernard Kerik had been nominated to head the Homeland Security Administration. Earlier Ms. Regan had had an affair with Kerik, a married man. They carried on their romance in an apartment that was intended as a resting place for ground zero workers. As a nominee to a high federal post, Kerik would be thoroughly investigated. News Corporation, according to the suit, wanted Regan to lie about her dalliance with the former New York City police commissioner.
Kerik had been recommended for the Homeland Security post by Rudy Giulani, the man who had named him to position of police commissioner. News Corporation had been promoting Giuliani’s political career, and they didn’t want a scandal about Rudy’s protegĂ© to embarrass the man who is now the Republican front runner. As it turned out, a little thing like an extra-marital fling was small potatoes for Kerik. He was recently indicted for income tax fraud.
Yes, Virginia, there is a vast right-wing conspiracy, and they’re willing to lie to get what they want.
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