McFarren brought food and water to Ms. Babcock every day and kept urging her to come out of the bathroom. She kept saying, “maybe tomorrow.” He thought she had been in the bathroom for about two years.
Finally when it reached a point where Pam physically couldn’t get off the pot, he called the local sheriff for help. The sheriff had to remove the seat from the toilet and take her to the hospital with the seat still attached. Then he charged McFarren with mistreatment of a dependent adult.
Clearly the poor woman was not playing with a full deck. And neither was McFarren. If he had chosen her as a girl friend, he was obviously not a rocket scientist either. Look at it from his point of view. She chose not to come out of the bathroom and then not even to get off the pot. He had to work around that. What did he do when he had to use the facilities? It’s not likely that they had a second bath room in their trailer. He brought her food and water and tried to get her to come out of the bathroom. What more could a man with limited intellectual resources do? When he realized that the situation was desperate, he called the sheriff. The sheriff had to use a crow bar to detach the seat. Then he took Ms. Babcock to the hospital and brought charges against McFarren. Some thanks. All this time poor McFarren had to find someplace else to go when he had to take a crap and put up with Pammy refusing to come out of the bathroom. And now the sheriff is blaming him. He probably wishes he had let her stay there.
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