Hillary Clinton has been trying to portray Barack Obama as an elitist, out of touch with blue collar working men and women. Obama didn’t help himself when he said that people in small towns get bitter and turn to guns and religion. Then we see Hillary in a bar hoisting a mug of beer, while Barack goes to a bowling alley and throws a gutter ball. The image is beginning to stick, and it is hurting the Illinois senator in the voting booth.
Democratic candidate Dr. Carl Perrin may be suffering from the same kind of negative image. Some people see him as an English professor who goes around correcting people’s grammar. While Perrin is happy to hoist a mug of beer, especially if it is cheap beer, he is a worse bowler than Barack Obama. Maybe some people see him as an elitist, and that is why he gained so few votes in the primaries.
According the Perrin campaign manager Aristotle Mongoose, that is about to change. Perrin is about to show that he is a real down-to-earth kind of guy. He is going to get a tattoo. He is thinking about his wife’s name enclosed within a heart. He was planning to put the tattoo on his shoulder, but he realized that there would be little occasion to remove his shirt on the campaign trail, so now he is considering having the tattoo on his forearm. That way he can go into a bar, order a beer, and roll up his sleeves, so the television camera can show him holding a beer and displaying his tattoo. That should help portray the former English professor as a man of the people.
The only problem is that Perrin is afraid of needles, so it may be a while before anyone sees the actual tattoo.
For Individual Blogger
Hello Dr. Perrin,
My name is Alexandra Di Trolio and I was looking to contact you about being a guest for a radio show. I work for a show called "The Blog Bunker" on Indie Talk channel 110 on Sirius Satellite Radio. It is a political talk channel, not party affiliated, that is described as "political talk for people who hate politics". The show "The Blog Bunker" is a casual political talk show and we like to think of ourselves as an independent show that likes to discuss the issues in society and our world. Many of our stories and information come from blogs across the country. We take the issues seriously, but not ourselves, and like to make the show as informative and entertaining as possible. We would love to have you on our show. We are based in the NY area and would welcome the opportunity to do in studio interview or a phone interview if one in studio is not possible. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Alexandra Di Trolio
"The Blog Bunker"
Sirius Satellite Radio
I already know so many people with tattoo regret and most of them are still in their mid-twenties...just wait till you pass 50 and you are going to feel like a real dumbass--especially since they be all faded and blury on your loose skin.
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