Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Handbook for Humanists

About forty years ago I wrote a series of articles dealing with ethical issues, like the following:

What does it mean to be free? Can you really be free if you have a distorted view of reality?

Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, taught us that some laws are unjust. Are we obligated to follow unjust laws? If everyone is entitled to disobey laws that he considers unjust, will the result be chaos? How do we decide if a law is just or not?

How do logic and intuition play together to help us discover truth? And how do we find the best decision in morally ambiguous questions?

I never tried to publish these writings, but recently I decided to have copies made for my children and grandchildren in a book I am calling it Handbook for Humanists. If you know of someone who might like to read this, it is available on Amazon. The paperback is $7.95, the kindle is $2.99.


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You are healing so many people from sadness.

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Its so real and natural.

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