Sunday, August 23, 2020



Did you know—

The “Illuminati” is a group seeking to establish a New World Order, in which they will control everything. It says so on the back of the American dollar bill. Novus Ordo Secolorum.

If the Illuminati don’t gain control of the world, the Jews will. You can read about it in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written early in the 20th century.

When the Jews aren’t trying to seize control of the world, they are up to other kinds of mischief. They are responsible for the promotion of Communism. After all, Karl Marx was a Jew. George Soros, who was 14 at the end of World War 11, was a Nazi collaborator. Whenever there is a protest in the streets, Soros is handing out $100 bills to the protestors. He promotes Antifa. Such luminaries as Victor Orbon, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Bill O’Reilly, and Alex Jones have attested to this last statement. Incidentally, the holocaust is a hoax, designed to promote Jewish interests.

If the Jews and the Illuminati don’t seize control of the world, the Catholics might try. You can read about it on the Berean Beacon, written in 2000.

Look out for black helicopters. They may be carrying UN forces seeking to control the U.S.

Water condensation trails (contrails) from aircraft contain chemical and biologic agents under a secret government program.

The assassination of Jack Kennedy was a conspiracy by the CIA, the Mafia, LBJ, Fidel Castro, or the KGB. The federal government concealed crucial information to cover up the conspiracy.

Global Warming is another hoax invented for ideological and financial reasons. Donald Trump and Sen. James Inhofe promoted this explanation for global warming stories.

The Deepwater oil rig accident in 2010 was caused by sabotage by environmentalists. Or maybe it was just a Russian submarine, according to Rush Limbaugh.

The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School was another hoax, aimed to promoted gun control. However according to former KKK Grand Master David Duke, maybe the Zionists were responsible. Alex Jones suggested it might have been staged with actors. Rush Limbaugh noted that it might be the Mayan Calendar that caused Adam Lanza to make the attack.

Autism is caused by vaccinations. This was reported by a British doctor who published an article about it in Lancet. Later the article was denounced by Lancet, and the doctor lost his license to practice medicine.

QAnon promotes several theories: Civil servants (the Deep State) is in a plot to take control of the government away from elected officials. Many prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, are Satan worshiping pedophiles. She was said to be connected to a child pornography ring in a Washington, DC, restaurant in 2016. In recent month a number of Republicans have come out supporting the QAnon theories. Marjory Taylor Greene is one of these. She recently won a primary in Georgia and will probably be elected to Congress.

Televangelist John Hagee called COVID-19 a dress rehearsal for the New World Order. Some have called it a Jewish plot to force vaccinations and sterilization. Or perhaps its was manufactured by the Rockefellers and Bill Gates with the goal mass of vaccinations to reduce human population. Gates, whose foundations donated millions to vaccine research, may have wanted to use the vaccine to plant microchips in people’s bodies. That would allow him to monitor their movement.

It is difficult to understand how any otherwise intelligent person can fall for these outlandish theories, but a lot of people do. In later posts we will look at how people come to believe these things, the psychological difference between believers and skeptics, and how a reader can test the validity of theories like these.



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