Sunday, July 19, 2020

Politics and the Evangelicals

            A couple of years ago I saw a Facebook post placed by an Evangelical I know. The post had side-by-side pictures of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Sanders was being arrested by the police. Trump was wearing the uniform of the prep school that he attended, New York Military Academy. The intended message, I assume, was that Sanders had been a trouble maker for some time, while Trump was prepared to serve. I got a different message from the two pictures. Bernie Sanders had long been willing to fight for what he believed in. Trump’s uniform reminded me that he had never actually served in the military, and he avoided serving Vietnam because of a dubious case of bone spurs.
            I can’t help but wonder why Evangelicals would support Trump. We think of Christians as law-abiding, moral citizens who generally follow the rules of society. Trump, on the other hand, seems one of the least moral public figures in recent memory. Of course some of Trump’s policies are deeply in line with The Evangelical political goals. He has appointed conservative judges to the Supreme Court as well as to lower courts. Perhaps the courts will one day declare abortion illegal again. Are these people willing to put up with the President’s cruelties, his crudeness, his incompetence, his immorality in order to accomplish their agenda? I may be naïve, but I don’t think the typical American Christian is that cynical. Some of the Republican politicians, such as Mitch McConnel, however, are just that cynical. A lot of them, I believe, do not personally like or approve of Mr. Trump, but they support him so they can get their agenda passed.
            The Evangelicals hold Trump to be a sinner, as is everybody. The only way to overcome our sinful nature is to accept the help of Jesus. In June, after the police and used tear gas to clear peaceful demonstrators from the area in front of the White House, Trump marched to that spot, holding a Bible. I don’t think many people were fooled by this gesture. Some people suggested that instead of holding up a Bible, the President should read it and follow it.
            A recent study showed that 56 percent of Evangelicals were Republicans, with only 28 percent Democrats. Is it just a coincidence that these people are both Evangelical and Republican? I don’t think so. I believer there is some connection, but I don’t know what it is. I would be glad to hear any explanation that anyone might have.

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