Donald Trump is number one in the polls of potential Republican candidates for the presidency. Twenty-six percent of the people polled support him. A prominent South Carolina Republican says, "I hear more and more people talking about Donald Trump. He's got people fired up." Only 17 percent favor Mike Huckabee and 15 percent want Mitt Romney to run. Sarah Palin is losing ground . A Wall Street Journal poll shows only ten percent in her favor. Michele Bachmann is gaining, but she suffers from Palin’s foot-in-the-mouth problem.
Trump leads in the polls despite the fact that his major issue seems to be the ridiculous questions of where Barach Obama was born. A Republican chairman in New Hampshire said that Trump “is on TV making a fool of himself.” Karl Rove called Trump a joke candidate. Charles Krauthammer called him a clown.
If the Republicans are so desperate for a candidate that a plurality of them favors a joke candidate, perhaps there is a chance for Dr. Carl Perrin. Perrin campaigned in the last election on a real issue, cheap beer. Though he has not yet decided whether to enter the fray, the more he sees of candidates like Donald Trump and Michele Bachmann, the more likely he is to form an exploratory committee.
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